&bullvetnil ind. e com. produtos veterinários ltda, a wellknown brazilian manufacturer of veterinary products, faced metered doging problem for its supplements for  the market of horse racing, horse jumping and other equitation, using standardized 1 litre bottles.&bullto circumvent the problem, vetnil in cooperation with projeto integrado developed a unique packaging format, but in such a way that the filling process did not require changes in machinery.&bullthe bottle, manufactured by emplas has two ergonomic benefits, its structure is firm, but squeezable and it assures a safe handling, while the symmetry of the bottle reconcile the use by both righthanded as well as lefthanded people.&bullby putting pressure on the body of the squeezable container, the product is forced to climb through the cannula to reach the dispensing chamber. &bulla transparent measuring ruler located in the side of the bottle allows the control of dosage, while showing the volume of product remaining in the bottle.&bullafter filling the dispensing chamber the liquid can be dispensed, while the system prevents the liquid to return to the body of the bottle, eliminating any possibility of contamination.