the lipton tea factory, which is located in dubai, is manufacturing block bottom and gusseted packs for their loose leaf tea. this manufacturing operation is being carried out with hayssensandiacre&rsquos aura 320ld &ndash a vffs, intermittent motion machine. since 2006, the lipton tea factory has had a protracted standing connection with hayssensandiacre, having bought hayssensandiacre&rsquos packaging machinery. as per the information given by the lipton tea factory, they have been overwhelmed with the level of quality and service of machinery provided by hayssensandiacre for all time. therefore, it was an obvious decision to buy another hayssensandiacre machine. andy erena, who is lipton&rsquos project manager, mentioned that, in 2006, they installed their first hayssensandiacre packaging equipment and it has been tremendously successful. with the increasing need for loose leaf tea, they wanted to be able to manufacture packs at an output that would fulfill consumer demand, and the aura 320ld enables them to do so. andy further said that the machines are extremely versatile and are able of producing various pack styles from large 5kg block bottom packs to small gusseted packs with carrier handles. the lipton tea factory has always been satisfied with hayssensandiacre&rsquos machinery, as these machineries are easy to use, reliable and built to last. source of information httpwww.allthingspackaging.comtagteapackaging