Angela Wisken (64) is leaving the supervisory board of the dfv media group in Frankfurt am Main at the end of March 2021. As of April of that year, she will also resign from the posts as editor of the title groups Lebensmittel Zeitung, TextilWirtschaft and HORIZONT, her membership in the Golden Sugar Loaf jury, the foundation of the same name and the HORIZONT Award Men and Women of the Year jury and the TextilWirtschaft forum.
The supervisory board of Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH still includes the main shareholder Andreas Lorch, co-shareholder Catrin Lorch and Peter Ruß.
Wisken started at dfv in 1980 as a business journalist, made a career in the editorship of the Lebensmittel Zeitung, developed LZNet at the end of the 90s, and took over responsibility as editor-in-chief for both print and online in 2000. Early on, she placed a special focus on the digital development of the medium, initiated the introduction of paid content based on the example of the Wall Street Journal at the beginning of the 2000s and consistently pushed digitalization forward for the entire publishing house through her other professional positions 2012 as a member of the management, from 2013 as spokeswoman for the management and since January 2020 as a member of the supervisory board and publisher.
According to Wisken, the prerequisite for the future success of a specialist media company such as the dfv media group is constantly keeping pace with digitization in all areas of the company, but above all journalistic quality based on creativity and strong, self-confident editorial teams.
Regarding the reasons for her departure after 40 years in the dfv, Wisken says: “All things have their time. Even the good ones. "
"We very much regret the decision and would like to expressly thank Angela Wisken for the long, committed and extremely successful cooperation, combined with best wishes for the future," says Andreas Lorch, main shareholder of the dfv media group.
dfv media group
Manuela Töpfer
Senior consultant corporate communications
Telephone 069 7595-2052