Wolfertschwenden, 12 August 2019 - At FachPack 2019 MULTIVAC will be presenting a new generation of cross web labellers. In addition to improved performance and operating reliability, one of the features of the new models compared to the previous labelling solutions are their lower life cycle costs. The use of state-of-the-art communication standards such as IO-link and EtherCAT ensures that they are equipped for the future. This enables additional sensor systems for example to be used, such as those for labelling inspection or predictive maintenance.
The new cross web labellers are process-controlled. Individual movements are overlaid as much as possible, so that an optimised and therefore significantly faster labelling process is achieved. Servo drives on all axes, as well as the virtually continuous operation of the longitudinal shift unit, ensure that the cycle output is increased still further.
Higher performance, compact design
The new labellers have been fitted with the latest generation of label dispensers, which also contribute to a higher cycle output thanks to their sophisticated servo motor technology. The use of servo drives also offers the benefit, that no reference runs have to be performed before the labelling operation is begun - and this means that set-up and conversion times are reduced, so that the labellers are operational more rapidly.
The robust construction of the new machine generation also makes a contribution to increasing the cycle output. The axis of the longitudinal shift unit is for example designed with even greater torsional rigidity than previously. The machines operate with significantly less vibration, and their travel range can be completed in a shorter time. The simplified construction with its fewer number of deflection rollers accelerates label roll change and makes it even easier, so that downtime is also reduced. In addition to these benefits, the more compact design also means a reduction in space requirement.
Greater ease of operation, high level of efficiency
The new machine generation from MULTIVAC also sets the benchmark in the market for its ease of operation. Menu guidance has been optimised and equipped with an integrated wizard function. The system only needs the required number of cycles to be entered - after that all the relevant speed and acceleration parameters are adjusted automatically. The Quick Control panel is also integrated in the labeller housing, so that the operator has less distance to cover.
Removal of the vacuum box hood and access to the pusher plate set is quick and easy, and this can be performed without any tools. The necessary service work can be carried out in a user-friendly way and above all very rapidly. The reduction in time and effort increases efficiency and makes itself felt immediately in the life cycle costs.
Maximum reliability, high level of availability
Particular importance was attached to machine reliability, especially in view of the high cycle speeds. The constant monitoring of travel speeds and torque ensures that the highest level of process and operating reliability is achieved even at maximum output.
Thanks to targeted minimisation of potential faults, MULTIVAC has significantly increased the reliability and availability of the labelling system. The reduction in moving parts and an improvement in the cable feed also make a significant contribution.
Equipped for the future
The new cross web labellers are already designed for the demands of tomorrow. State-of-the-art communication standards such as IO-link and EtherCAT enable the machines to be equipped with the latest sensor technology. Additional solutions for labelling inspection can also be easily retrofitted, since the corresponding interfaces are already integrated. And last but not least, the labellers are designed for predictive maintenance.
Marking & Inspection MULTIVAC Marking & Inspection is one of the leading manufacturers of labelling systems and direct web printers. The company, previously called MR Etikettiertechnik, was founded in 1972 in Enger, Westphalia, and has been part of the MULTIVAC Group since 1993. The company's wide 22-19 product range extends from standard labelling and printing solutions to labellers and marking systems, which are specifically developed for individual customers. The range of products is complemented by inspection systems for weight checking, detection of foreign objects and visual inspection of packs and labelling. All these units can be integrated into complete packaging lines, and they contribute significantly to meeting the regulations and legal requirements for the quality management of packaging lines. Further information can be found at: www.multivac.com.