On thursday 24 november 2016, the 63rd nvc general meeting of members took place in the evoluon in eindhoven (nl). During this fully packed meeting future trends were addressed in the keynote lecture given by john nicholson from nvc member company havi. His presentation was followed by a lively discussion with the panel of member- experts and the audience.
The 64th gmm will take place thursday 30 november 2017 at the planetarium amsterdam (nl). Directly after the statutory meeting we will probe into the future of virtual reality (vr) technology and its implications for interactive packaging.
After the gmm the festive award ceremony of the 28th edition of the world’s most competitive packaging innovation contest de gouden noot took place. The competition features a very strict, two-step jury procedure, culminating in only one over-all winner. The winner’s trophy with the solid gold walnut inside has evolved into the global symbol of a truly holistic packaging innovation. De gouden noot 2016 has been won by flex/design for the flexa creations color testers, a novel package for consumers based on both creative and functional design that fulfils a real consumer need for testing colours to be used at home. The winner and other nine finalists can be found at www.degoudennoot.com and they can also be seen at the nvc stand at the interpack in germany (entrance north enb/03 from 4-10 may 2017). The kick-off of packaging innovation contest de gouden noot 2018 takes place 1 september 2017.
During the second part of the evening fintech in general and crowdfunding in particular were addressed in the world’s first live crowdfunding event on packaging innovation. This featured two innovative start-ups (pack-e and yesnomaybe), both of them pitching to the 160 strong audience for an €125k investment. As the event moved on, the business organised itself around both innovative packaging ideas and the accompanying investments needed in an unprecedented manner.