For this reason, it implemented all the indications provided for by the Shared Protocol on March 14, 2020 between the Government, Trade Unions and Trade Associations. In order to allow its employees and suppliers to access workplaces in compliance with the precautions that the current serious situation requires to adopt. Below you will find the main measures that Makro Labeling Srl has put in place to ensure the safety of its employees / collaborators for the benefit of the entire community of customers and suppliers and to guarantee - at the same time - the continuity of activities with our customers, where possible. In particular: The Committee for the verification and application of the rules established by the Shared Protocol was set up in the company. The Committee meets virtually every day to follow the evolution of the emergency and act accordingly. For security reasons, from the first day we reduced the organization of face-to-face meetings to a minimum, favoring remote communication tools such as webinars, skype calls, etc. We have activated the working mode in smartworking as much as possible and reduced the staff present in the production departments, using backward permits and holidays, always in such a way, however, to guarantee continuity of service. All our telephone numbers / contact points are manned, as usual. We confirm that, to date, no employee and collaborator of Makro Labeling Srl is affected by the COVID-19 virus and therefore subjected to restrictive individual health measures as required by the emergency protocol. For the protection of everyone's health, our office is currently not accessible to outsiders (suppliers can deliver, in compliance with company safety procedures, by agreement with the warehouse. For operational questions and specifics on current projects, we ask you to refer to your internal contacts at Makro Labeling Srl. We will take care of updating you with further communications in the case of new provisions that may be adopted following directives from the Competent Authorities. Cordial greetings Goito (MN), there March 24 2020