xray is a new merchandising solution for automotive floor mats developed by cobaltniche for whorae australia, a supplier of automotive accessories. the automotive floor mat category historically suffers a high proportion of discounted sales due to damaged or missing packaging. the packaging design solves these problems with a unique and patented hanger system. automotive floor mats are typically merchandised on hangers adapted from garment retailing. however the higher weight of rubber mats makes this only partially successful. additionally, header cards are usually attached presenting brandproduct features and these are regularly damaged during normal handling. this was overcome by designing a suitablysized display area on the hanger itself, with graphics applied via labelling processes. tearingfoldingdogearing of the header graphic is eliminated, as are dangerous staples. there is high levels of returnsexchanges in this segment as purchases made as a gift or on impulse. before return, packaging is typically damageddiscarded, preventing resale at full price. the new package design features reusable hang points, which along with a carry handle and integrated header, give a system that not only survives but excels in all phases of the reimagined merchandising path.