steripack introduced peelventtm, a vented chevron peelable pouch and tearventtm a vented linear tear pouch. peelventtm comprised of breathable vents weld sealed to various film to film materials make up one of the lowest cost, highest quality pouching options for medical device oem&rsquos. peelventtm and tearventtm replace standard chevron peel and linear tear pouches with film to film and a breathable vents. efficient use of breathable materials, such as paper or tyvek® and improved consistent seal strengths as well as high resolution printing, will result in lower cost alternatives for medical device packaging. the vent provides airflow for eto sterilization and outgassing. various sized vents can be positioned at optimum locations to insure airflow allows for sterilization processing. it can also be used for irradiation sterilization where the vent eliminates the requirement for altitude package testing and mitigates the associated issues that can be caused by vacuum packaging regular film to film pouches.