ecosol is a water soluble, biodegradable, polyvinylalcohol pvoh film which is ideally suited for many packaging applications.the application includes water soluble pvoh bags, sachets, or pouches for a wide range of products including detergents and cleaners, degreasers, concrete additives, pigments, biocides, watertreatment products, agricultural products, and others.after immersion at the specified temperature this film dissolves in water leaving a harmless, nontoxic, aqueous solution of polyvinyl alcohol.once the liquid solution of pvoh comes into contact with common microorganisms, such as those found in watertreatment plants, conversion to carbon dioxide and water takes place within about 30 days.this film has excellent organic solvent resistance, which allows ecosol pouches and bags to be used not only for dry powders, but also for liquid offers very good mechanical properties tensile strength, tear strength, puncture resistance because of this it can be used in a wide variety of rigorous applications.