Other offerings from global serialization leader include Quick Compliance Program; software compatible with new Open-SCS Standard; and premiere of e-Learning Platform
Mt. Laurel, NJ – Antares Vision, the world’s leading provider of serialization-based track & trace solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, will showcase a variety of recent innovations at Pack Expo Booth #N-236, September 25-27 in Las Vegas. Features from the worldwide leader in serialization implementation include a fully serialized warehousing and distribution environment; elements of a program that guarantees DSCSA compliance within 10 weeks; software compatible with a soon-to- be- announced Open-SCS Group serialization standard; and a promising new tool for employee training.
Among the highlights from Antares Vision will be the ambitious display of a completely serialized warehouse and distribution center environment, including re-aggregation and shipping. A nod to the upcoming 2023 U.S. mandate for track & trace throughout the pharma supply chain, the set-up will be based on a similar arrangement currently in place at Antares Visions’ new U.S. headquarters in Moorestown, NJ. Among other benefits, the facility increases warehousing space fourfold, and includes a spacious testing facility capable of conducting multiple factory acceptance tests (FATs) simultaneously.
Also at Pack Expo, Antares Vision will showcase its newly developed Quick Compliance Program, which draws upon a large lineup of pre-configured modules to enable serialization compliance within 10 weeks from project start. The program guarantee a fully integrated, validated, and complete serialization program by utilizing preconfigured modules in concert with a standardized package of software, documentation and services, minimizing the need for Project Management Office (PMO) efforts. All units, which also offer post-implementation flexibility and scalability, are preconfigured in Antares Vision’s Moorestown, NJ warehouse space, and are ready-to- ship.
Antares Vision also will use Pack Expo to complement a pending, groundbreaking announcement from the Open-SCS Group, a collection of healthcare sector companies dedicated to standardizing packaging line serialization and aggregation data exchanges. At the show, the organization will hold a press conference to formally introduce its initial Serialization Standard. Dubbed V1.0, Accordingly, Antares will showcase a solution compatible with these new standards: its GTS Plant Manager software, which generates or imports serialization numbers and stores all data while interfacing with Level 4 repositories. GTS Plant Manager comes preconfigured and ready to manage line serialization. As needs evolve, the scalable software can be expanded to manage additional lines and other communication layers.
Another facet of Antares Vision’s Pack Expo showcase will be an overview of its new e-Learning Platform. As pharmaceutical production methods increasingly incorporate serialization initiatives, sufficient personnel training has become fundamental to ensure seamless business operations. Accordingly Antares, in conjunction with many of its customers, now features a full portfolio of training for supervisors, maintenance technicians, IT, quality control personnel and line operators. The platform is designed to optimize both initial training efforts and long-term program maximization.
Finally, Antares Vision will showcase a full serialization line set up to display both automatic and manual applications. The line will include a Print & Check Advanced machine and a Top View Aggregation Station working together to simulate a complete warehouse environment, providing visitors the opportunity to see its effectiveness in compliance with DSCSA regulatory requirements. By showcasing the Print & Check Advanced machine and Top View Station working in concert, Antares Vision will demonstrate a comprehensive track and trace solution spanning Levels 1 through 4. This comprises a complete data flow, starting with initial serial data acquisition from an external source and continuing straight through to work order execution and transmission of data reporting.