Pure Hothouse Foods Inc® is a Canadian grower, shipper & marketer of greenhouse grown vegetables and value-added Living Lettuce sold under the Pure Flavor® name across North America. Pure Hothouse Foods has recently introduced their new Cloud 9 snacking tomato brand with high-flavor tomato. To pack this new tomato brand, Pure Hothouse Foods decided to use solid board enriched with tomato plant fibres, which is uniquely produced by SOLIDUS SOLUTIONS, manufacturer of solid board and solid board packaging. Pure Hothouse Foods is with this decision the first Canadian company packing tomatoes in their own plant fibres, contributing to a circular economy. During the PMA 2016 fair the Cloud 9 tomato plant packaging of Pure Hothouse Foods was very much appreciated and achieved a finalist nomination at the PMA 2016 Impact Awards. The unique solid board enriched with tomato plant fibres, produced by SOLIDUS SOLUTIONS was almost at the same time announced winner of the Packaging Europe Sustainability Awards 2016!
Idyl is a company mainly growing tomatoes and melons, Mediterranean fruit and vegetables and fresh cut herbs. Based in the south of France, Idyl markets their own production as well as salads from Provence and a whole range of organic fruits and vegetables under the ‘Tribu Ecolo’ (“Ecological Tribe”) brand. Idyl has developed a department specialized in the marketing of organic fruit and vegetables because they are aware of the importance of their role in sustainable development. As such, Idyl is constantly looking for new solutions to reduce the impact on the environment. They were highly interested when they learned that SOLIDUS SOLUTIONS had developed a process to manufacture solid board including tomato plants fibres. Idyl is now packing their organic tomatoes in SOLIDUS SOLUTIONS’ trays enriched with tomato plants fibres. With this they demonstrate that it is possible to produce, to pack and to consume while limiting the waste of our natural resources. With ‘Tribu Ecolo’ Idyl wants to display a strong trademark: the trademark of partnership between agriculture and nature, the trademark that federates farmers, their suppliers such as SOLIDUS SOLUTIONS and consumers, with the desire to combine economy and ecology.
SOLIDUS SOLUTIONS earlier produced 1,5 kg, 3 kg, 5 kg and 10 kg solid board tomato trays, enriched with tomato plant fibres and even 250 to 500 g tomato punnets for consumers. With introduction of the Tribu Ecolo and Cloud 9 packaging enriched with tomato plant fibres, Idyl, Pure Hothouse Foods and SOLIDUS SOLUTIONS put a step forward in turning plant rest streams into valuable and recyclable raw materials.