Cosmo Films Ltd, a global leader in specialty films for packaging & labeling application, are directly associated with FMCG & Food Processing companies.
As Budget 2018 focuses on rural economy & enhancing consumer spending will directly benefit this sector.
Requesting if his quote can be carried in your publication.
Below is Quote of Mr Pankaj Poddar, CEO, Cosmo Films Ltd on budget 2018.
"The budget as expected is good on intentions, thrust is more on execution. In so far, as opportunities are concerned, I think the budget seems to be investment-led and waiting for consumption to follow. We, as a company, are excited with opportunity for our sector. The focus of government on rural growth is a key for the Indian economy and increase in rural spending always helps the economy to grow. More money in hands of people will fuel demand, which augurs well for related industries like food processing & FMCG with which we are directly associated." Mr Pankaj Poddar, CEO, Cosmo Films Ltd.