Schreiner ProTech is focusing on its solutions and services for secure product marking as part of the joint VDMA “Industrial Security” booth in Hall 8, Stand D08, at this year’s Hanover Fair (April 24 – 28). The obvious security provided by serialized marking requires particularly careful implementation in order to efficiently and reliably track and protect products against counterfeiting and to offer other value-added services to the user. Item-specific marking—based on encrypted codes or RFID/NFC technology—offers a wide range of options for automated manufacturing, logistics processes and across the entire product lifecycle.
Serialization using barcodes, 2D codes or RFID offers opportunities and performs a wide range of functions, from controlling internal logistics processes, monitoring distribution chains to offering product-specific online value-added services. The proper utilization of products is ensured and all relevant information, from serial number, contract data to service history, is consolidated in a digital file. In closed systems, a machine, according to the lock-and-key principle, recognizes any material or spare part in use based on an individually programmed RFID label. Reliability and speed of processing purchase orders, making shipments and responding to service requirements increase, plus these solutions make it possible for the manufacturer to offer warranty extensions. However, a marking solution is only truly secure if the products, in addition to an identifier, are provided with an authentication feature. Serialization alone hardly offers any protection because it is easy to copy and counterfeit.
Mobile Authentication: Convenient App-Based Detection of Fakes
For counterfeit protection, Schreiner ProTech uses an approach of seamless integration of the features required for authentication. Complementing the 2D codes typically utilized for product identification, a digital copy detection pattern is integrated into nameplates, logistics tags or other product labels in a way that is nearly invisible. The solution enables users to easily scan and analyze all the relevant security features and to reliably authenticate the product by means of a 2D scanner or smartphone app. Laser engraving is another available option for directly and effectively marking components with authenticity features.
Track & Trace: Traceability and Mobile Value-Added Services
In addition, Schreiner ProTech offers integrated track & trace system solutions enabling clear identification of products in terms of their identity, origin, destination or other characteristics. As a result, product diversions, re-imports or the exchange of original goods and documents for fakes can be reliably detected and shipping processes optimized. Other available options include database supported online value-added services using mobile devices.
Product Lifecycle Management Using RFID Labels
Manufacturers of technical equipment normally have to rely on communication with services providers or material supply partners to obtain reliable information about market uses of their products, quality data or appropriate consumables. The application of an RFID/NFC label from Schreiner ProTech to the product simplifies and lowers the cost of all these activities. In addition, this innovative solution provides companies with information about the current state and use of their products in real time, plus the opportunity to directly get in touch with the consumer to position themselves as quality suppliers and solutions partners.