highly skilled workers are generally seen as key factors of the eu industry competitiveness. however, as the workforce ages, lifelong learning in business now is an absolute necessity to maintain competitiveness. on thursday april 23rd, 2015 a unique european conference will address this urgent issue in the field of packaging..every second, 100.000 products are packaged and distributed globally by industry and retail &ndash and unpacked by the enduser. for europe, the estimate is 25.000 products each second. this makes packaging one of the most intensely discussed and complex activities of our times, with tens of thousands of professionals daily involved. how does the european industry nurture the talents within the organisation and how do we implement the lifelong education and training of the ageing knowledge workers in packagingthe 1st european conference on the future of business education in packaging will take place on thursday april 23rd, 2015 at the campus of twente university enschede, the netherlands, home of the nvc chair packaging design and management. keynote speaker is prof. filip dochy leuven university, the world&rsquos leading specialist in the field of lifelong learning. conference chairman is michael nieuwesteeg, managing director of nvc netherlands packaging centre and board member of the world packaging organisation wpo. the venue of the conference is the gallery at twente university, which facilitates a &lsquolearning environment&rsquo and enables a range of highly interactive round table discussions between the participants, covering all aspects of lifelong learning in packaging. the oneday conference tries to find answers, connects industry with education and training institutes and provides a concise view on how to maintain an agile workforce in the field of packaging to the benefit of industry, education institutes and society as a whole.date and location the conference will take place on thursday april 23rd, 2015 from 10 am 4 pm at the gallery in enschede the netherlands. the gallery is located at twente university, home of the nvc chair packaging design and management.for whom the conference addresses the needs of managers in hrm and in other functions responsible for or involved in the development of skills, knowhow and knowledge of the workforce in the field of packaging within their company.students at higher education institutes in europe and nvc packaging professionals have free access to the conference. please send an email to irma walstra. the conference is a unique and attractive platform for organisations offering business education and training in packaging. please contact charissa koolen for more information.programme for full conference programme, please click here.more information for more information please contact info@nvc.nl or call 310182512411.