Packaging Innovation Contest De Gouden Noot 2016 has been won by FLEX/design for the FLEXA Creations Color Testers, a novel package for consumers based on both creative and functional design that fulfils a real consumer need for testing colours to be used at home. The winner was announced during the sold-out Award Ceremony at the UFO-shaped Evoluon Experience Centre in Eindhoven, the Netherlands on Thursday 24 November 2016. Master of ceremony was Francesca Vanthielen.
De Gouden Noot is the world’s most competitive packaging innovation contest. With De Gouden Noot the NVC stimulates innovation of packaging and packaged products. Winning brings a wealth of international publicity and acknowledges the work put into the packaging. The unique trophy with a solid golden walnut is the worldwide acknowledged symbol of the contest.
The Zilveren Noot (Silver) went to the Ecobulk HX IBC of Schütz Benelux, a combined IBC comprising a closed packaging system with an impeller which enables repeated stirring processes without having to open the packaging. Used in combination with the administration-free collection system, the HX guarantees the highest filling product quality and safety by eliminating contamination risks in the supply chain.
The Bronzen Noot (Bronze) was for Huhtamaki’s GreeNest, an innovative pack that is made out of 50% natural grass and 50% recycled paper fibres. It is a product that gives a new dimension to the biobased packaging that consumers, supermarkets and governments desire.
The Kick-off of the 28th edition of De Gouden Noot took place on 1 October 2015 in the Royal Industrieele Groote Club in Amsterdam. On 8 and 9 June 2016 the first jury round took place. Here the jury could discuss all the entries with physical samples available. All resulting 10 Finalists were subsequently published on the internet at www.degoudennoot.com.
In the second judging round, on 2 November 2016, the jury decided which entries wonthe Bronzen (bronze), Zilveren (silver) or De Gouden (gold) Noot. In this round each Finalist presented his/her entry to the full jury in a lively debate.
Chairman of the jury, prof. Onno Omta, about the winner: “Seeing is believing; the new FLEXA Creations Color Testers are the most convenient way for consumers to try and see the real paint colour on their home's walls. Unique is the integrated paint roller that ensures mess free and easy application and a truly representative result. And with its colourful and unique design it is truly distinctive to any other paint tester in the market. With 30% of consumers struggling to visualize how a colour will look like on their wall this product makes it the safest and easiest way to find the exact paint colour, enabling consumers to make confident colour choice.”
The winners of Gold, Silver and Bronze and the other seven Finalists will be on display at the NVC-stand at the interpack 2017 exhibition (Dusseldorf, Germany, North Entrance ENB/03) and on the NVC-website.
The kick-off of the 29th edition will take place 1 September 2017. Contact Ger Standhardt, NVC manager Knowledge Development and Innovation Projects, for more information and the entry form.