To offer our customers a broader range of services, backed up by improved international effectiveness, the five companies listed above will be joining forces as from today, as Novio Packaging. This combination enables them to offer one another additional support in terms of production, distribution and service provision.
Novio Packaging Group is the new name for the group of companies specialising in packaging solutions and the distribution of primary packaging materials. As explained by directors Marck Jansen and Erik Trum, “Novio refers to new as well as being the abbreviation for Noviomagus – the Latinname for Nijmegen – which itself means ‘new marketplace’. Nijmegen is the home city for the two of us, and is close to the location of our new head offices.” For the rest of 2018, the five companies will continue to operate under their original name with the subheading ‘member of Novio Packaging Group’. From 1 January 2019 onwards, they will all operate simply as Novio Packaging. On that date, Oosterbeek Packaging B.V., Alpha Packaging International B.V. and Maer Flexibles will complete a legal merger.
Better for our customers
For existing and future customers, this new merger will have positive effects. In addition to maintaining the current levels of customer focus and product quality, the new structure means that the group members can support each other in terms of improved knowledge, production, distribution and service provision. In Erik Trum’s words, “By establishing a single point of contact, it is immediately clear to our business relations who they are dealing with and what solutions we can offer them.” The two directors also plan to further expand the range of services and products, internationally. Marck Jansen continued, “With this greater volume, we acquire more buying power and that too is favourable for our customers.”
New premises
In advance of this merger process, the company moved to a new head office location in January last. The office premises offer sufficient space for growth, and in terms of design, everything is geared towards the values represented by Novio Packaging. Trum: explained, “The building tells you who we are: modern, innovative, creative and packed with quality, all with a clear focus on openness and cooperation.”
Over the coming period, you can meet members of the Novio Packing Group’ at the following trade fairs: Fibo Power 2018, Cologne – stand: 10.2 A31 (12-15 April), Natural & Organic Products Europe, London – stand M41 (22-23 April), Hispack 2018, Barcelona – hall 2, stand C315 (8-11 May), Vitafoods 2018, Geneva – stand I50 (15-17 May), Cosmetic Business 2018, Munich – hall 3, stand: A01 (6-7 June)