Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Interactivity are rapidly advancing in the packaging world. Consumer behaviour is influenced via smartphone-apps, packaged product design is exploring totally new dimensions and even the remotest packaging equipment can now be supervised with help of VR by the central, highly qualified and 24/7 operational service and maintenance department. These and other amazing developments in packaging were shared 30 November 2017 at the unique ‘NVC Night at the Planetarium’ in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Striking solid Gold with your packaging innovation
The evening was concluded with a kick-off presentation of packaging innovation contest De Gouden Noot 2018. De Gouden Noot is arguably the world’s most competitive packaging innovation contest, famous for the solid gold walnut in its winner’s trophy as a symbol of unsurpassed holistic packaging innovation. Registration for this 29th edition of the contest closes 1 May 2018 or when the maximum number of 40 entries is reached. The Award Ceremony will take place on Thursday evening 22 November 2018 in the iconic A’DAM Tower in Amsterdam. The Award Ceremony is presented by the Belgian actress and TV personality Francesca Vanthielen.