P &ndash exchange is featuring a new discussion on &ldquocan we survive this modified atmospheric packaging map fundamentals &rdquo. A detailed discussion on various aspects of modified atmospheric packaging for different products like fruits, vegetables, meat, fish etc. The discussion has begun and currently we are discussing post harvest scenario in fruits and vegetables. This discussion will move on to discuss what, why, where, when, how of map and its applications to different product. This discussion will also cover the packaging materials used and map machinery. We will discuss some of the key case studies of map with technical data. We keep track of all new innovations. But with that we need to keep the basics updated too map has always been in talk but the actual applications and implications are not much know. We are discussing all that is important in map. Visit www.packagingconnections.com , pthinking > p &ndash exchange, and be a part of the discussion, write your comments and share your knowledge with us on map.