Printing--The Forms
In the fast pace lifestyle we encounter printing in different forms. This form of mass media deliver information to ultimate target audience by using physical objects such as books, calendars, catalogues, leaflets, newspaper, hording, postcards, brochures, banner, sticker, carton, labels etc. Companies utilise this tool for successful branding campaign and put their company right in front of ideal customers which eventually leads to product pick up a sales. Companies do it successfully through outdoor advertising, by publishing in print media & also effectively by package printing. Due to this reason brand names are prominently printed on the principal panel of the packages with attractive font and colour combination. Why companies emphasis on Branding? The reason is that it is branding only which offers the consumer something more than just tangible product which makes the consumer feel secure, accept and in better state of mind. No doubt “Printing does Branding” but is this true that “Printing does selling?”
Package Printing – The most important tool
For answering above question let us look at Package printing. Packaging and printing always considered as two sides of a coin. Packaging of a product has always been more in focus, not only from a sustainability perspective but also in terms of branding impact and as an integrated part of the customer experience when buying and consuming the product. And as consumer we generally go to a Mall or retail shop; which are full of ample range of products from same category. And studies reveal that a product grab the consumer’s attention for about seven seconds. So in those seven seconds what strike in a consumers mind? It is clear that, in those few seconds; the company message, the colours, the fonts, the logo, the emotions do a successful branded marketing and create an unforgettable brand image in mind of the target consumers. So in another words, it is printing which play the game by using its four basic colours CMYK mainly. It makes clear that besides branding printing do selling.
Printing- A non traditional marketing tool
In the emerging era of digital world with the rapid surge of new media technologies, it is a buzzing question around marketing world that “is print media going to obsolete in near future?” Blogging, social media, web articles are considered as very traditional & the print media has been considered as Non traditional media. Yes, this is true. But brand managers are looking at print as an opportunity right now to get and keep attention. A very good example cited by a campaign, which made it clear that, how a company use the print media for brand promotion.
Hindustan Unilever (HUL), as part of a marketing campaign for its oral care brand, Pepsodent, tied up with around 48 bhelpuri vendors in Mumbai, asking them to wrap their popular roadside snack in leaflets of Pepsodent’s campaign about daily dental hygiene. If all the vendors of food vegetables and groceries in India use printed promotional wrappings instead of plastic, it will be a huge benefit for commercial print. It’s an opportunity for the taking for most Printing companies. No doubt, many businesses have completely migrated their advertising efforts to the web because of its cost effectiveness, exposure potential and convenience. But apart from that print still maintains its stance as a powerful and necessary component of an ad campaign. So it is clear that we are going closer to digital world, but the beauty & the worth of Print is there. It is not diminishing.
New Age of Print Media
Just before two years 3D printers may have been considered a bizarre, but the technology has become increasingly prominent not just in manufacturing but also as a marketing tool for brands. The obvious benefits of 3D printing in marketing are often overlooked. 3D printing is being incorporated into branding efforts in various ways, some fun and gimmicky and some quite useful. For example, an effort out of Israel for Coca-Cola that used 3D printing in a contest that created consumer mini-me's. One of the example, as another spectrum saw an effort of Amazon for enhancing its sales by using this technology. Amazon has launched a new store for 3D-printed goods, which include items that can be customized to change their size, color, material and even aspects of their design. Amazon is touting this as the debut of a new way for the ecommerce giant to offer even more specialized inventory that can better cater to specific customer tastes. The introduction of the store does indeed mark a potential turning point in the sale of online goods. This aspect provides a new dimension of Print world which keeps evolving. To read more visit:3 D Printing: Scope in Packaging
Print media is an effective communication tool, which influence the target audience and effect buying decision which is a critical objective in today’s tight economy. Print media offers a host of content areas: news, information, education, inspiration, special offers and entertainment, all of which generate engagement between the reader and the advertised brands. Whether it’s a retailer in a door-drop leaflet, an art auction in a catalogue, spring fashion in a consumer magazine, a car advertisement in a newspaper, or an article about energy savings in a customer magazine, all branded content is print-appropriate and gives a boost to any campaign. Not only this with its new form of 3D, it is changing the scenario of marketing world. Print media was, is and will be an indispensable part of life.