There is a notification by Government of India to ban many plastic laminates which looks like that a decision without really thinking about solutions. unfortunately there is hardly any reaction seen by the media in India or by packaging suppliers. Only few companies like GSK, Reliance, Dabur India have reacked, may be there are more but not known to us. Here is the summary of proposed notification and we look forward to your comments on this.
This is the notification given by Ministry Of Environment and Forests Dated-17,Sep 2009. Draft contains the rules for plastic (Manufacturer,Usage And Waste Management). This notification mainly covers the draft rules for monolayer bags/pouches, multilayer laminates and plastic containers. The main rule (Rule 5) in the Notification is: - A. Carry bags and conatiners made of virgin plastic shall be in natural shade
B. No person shall use bags or containers made of recycled plastics or biodegradable plastic for storing, carrying, dispensing or packaging of food stuffs
C. Carry bags and containers made of recycled or biodegradable plastics and used for purpose of other than storing and packaging foodstuffs shall be manufactured using pigments and colorants as per the Bureau of Indian Standards specifications:IS 9833:1981 entitled "List of pigments and colourants for use in plastics in contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water".
D. No person shall manufacture, stock, distribute or sell carry bags made of virgin or recycled plastics or bio-degradable plastics, which are less than 12x18 inches (30x45 cms) in size and less than 40 microns in thickness.
E. No person shall manufacture carry bags or containers or pouches multilayered packaging from biodegradable plastics unless these meet the Bureau of Indian Standards specifications:IS/ISO 17088:2008 entitled "Specifications for compostable plastics".
F. No person shall manufacture, stock, distribute or sell non-recyclable laminated plastic or metallic pouches, multilayered packaging's and other non-recyclable plastics. Please find the below link of the complete draft notification from the ministry.
This concern has also been posted by Mr Amninder Singh : Associate Research & Technology at www.packagingconnections.com at P-Exchnage, you can visit P-Exchnage at http://www.packagingconnections.com/p-exchange/moef-draft-notification-plastic-manufacturerusage-and-waste-management-rules2009.htm
We look forward to your comments, ideas to address it and recommend innovative solutions.
Sad that the Law is not
Sad that the Law is not enforced. It will take atleast a 100 years to clean up our Water bodies and environment of all Plastic. Plastic is more a bane than noon and the sooner we are rid of it, the better