At leeds metropolitan university, an innovation day was held by the faraday centre for retail excellence with the packaging arena of sweden, which aimed at inspecting probable new sustainable packaging materials. Along with the debate about printing technologies, smarter and innovative food packaging with the sun&rsquos power is also included in the ideas. The director of the faraday centre, cathy barnes, pointed that faraday members from the packaging sector were presented at their first highly successful joint event with many new ideas from swedish paper and board companies.
Packaging arena&rsquos sandra eriksson further stated that their respective networks interestingly balance each other, while they plan continued cooperation and new joint activities for the success of the packaging industry. The discussion emerged when wrap introduced its hospitality and food service agreement. As a voluntary goal for the industry, by 2015, it aimed at decreasing food and associated packaging waste by 5 and raising the overall waste rate that is recycled, anaerobically digested or composted to 70. Source of information httpwww.tuco.orgnewsitemexpertsdebatethefutureoffoodpackaging