Representatives are regretting a geographical slipup at present as they are unhappy with the past and upcoming butter shortages. Tine&rsquos terje olsen, a harstad communications advisor, told fremover, the narvikbased local paper that it never struck them that the swedish mountains could land on the carton of sourced milk as a picture. Design services were allotted for packaging development.
The picture is blue and white in color and has a cyclist in forefront that symbolizes a norwegian national sportobsessionroad hazard, while the background has an attractive topography of the swedish tolpagorni mountain. Tolpagorni, in northern sweden, shares a portion of the kebnekaise mountain range located in kiruna. Tolpagorni, or tuolpagorni has a height of 1,662 metres, which is about 5,452 feet. Wikipedia describes its top as eyecatching when seen from the ladtjovagge valley. Tolpagorni shows a clear lineation against the sky, while being located in the middle of singitjåkka and kebnetjåkka.
Mr. Olsen, however, said that the packaging will be changed as he is not happy with the picture of the swedish mountains and is frustrated because of the error. He explained that they have several norwegian mountain peaks to use for the picture on the milk carton. Therefore, they do not need the swedish mountain picture.
On the other hand, norway, which is not the capital of sweden as most foreign tourists think, can be noted by holidaymakers as one of the best places for driving, according to a dutch research. Norwegians&rsquo queuing skills adapted from a swedish perspective can also be studied by holidaymakers. Httptheforeigner.nopagesnewstineswitchesnorwayforsweden