Many factors, which contribute to changes in global snacks market, have been taken into account in this report. Right from the eating habits to the demographics, changes in retailers demand, regulations and sustainability on original equipment manufacturers oems and their customers, have influenced the final prediction of this report. For the same duration, the bakery and snacks market of us is expected to grow by 4 .
However, the global sales of snack foods are expected to grow by 7. This report also predicts the 4.5 annual increase in the sales of bakery products by 2015. According to paula feldman, director of business intelligence, pmmi, areas like asia pacific, india and latin america will be major contributing factor for the expected growth in sales of snacks and bakery products. She further added that, the expected increase in population of asia pacific region will surely have its impact on the increase in sales of snacks and bakery products. By 2015, asia pacific region is likely to have an increment of 160 billion people.
At present, us have its largest share in the global sales of snacks. However, us is likely to face the tuff competition in upcoming years to maintain the largest share. 62 percent of total surveyed companies from pmmi look at asia as region with a lot of business expansion opportunities. A major chunk of companies is expecting huge benefits from this region. However, increase in sales will have an impact on the packaging of products, as well. Feldman added that, retailers are demanding specific packaging for the optimum utilization of the shelf space. Along with the snacks retailers, even drug stores are demanding precise packaging and about more than quarter plaintiffs are ready to meet their demands.
Manufacturers are heading towards the oems for the packaging solutions, which will meet the demands of retailers. Feldman says that, functionality, support and integration are three major concerns of the manufacturers. Oem, which is ready to fulfill those demands, will work on a collaborative design process, which is accompanied by the manufacturers. Currently, snack food manufacturers demands machinery, which offers a great scope for customizable sizes, packages and materials. Along with this, they want easy to operate, cleanable, and reliable machines that are compatible with the different environments. To meet these expectations of manufacturers, pack expo international 2012 is scheduled at mccormick place, chicago from 28&ndash31 october. About 1800 exhibitors will be participating in this exhibition, which will offer manufacturers a really vast range to make a wiser decision. Httpwww.potatopro.comlistsnewsdispform.aspxid7347