Research has shown that engaging with reminiscence activities aids those suffering from memory loss, so with the help of chesapeake the museum of brands has provided collections of replica vintage packaging to 50 care homes across london. These packs include a variety of &lsquoshopping basket favourites&rsquo, photographs and smelling samples &ndash all of which are already delighting residents taking part, triggering memories of days gone by.
As all of the pack contents were hand crafted by museum volunteers and sent to the care homes completely free of charge, chesapeake&rsquos generous donation of 200 ready scored flatpacks helped the construction process run more efficiently and the finished product appear infinitely more professional &ndash so much so that packaging professionals have mistaken them for the real thing and the good work continued with donate a memory day at the museum on monday 24th october &ndash it was a perfect opportunity for more mobile seniors to visit the museum free of charge whilst it is closed to the general public and donate their memories of favourite brands and packages from childhood whether it be typhoo, vim or persil &ndash it&rsquos all at the museum waiting to be rediscovered.
Bob houghton of chesapeake says &lsquowe&rsquore really pleased that our flat packs helped the museum&rsquos fantastic collection reach those who are unable to visit. The use of packaging in this way is a great idea to rekindle memories. The museum of brands is a must see for anyone in the packaging industry.