great advertising doesn&rsquot just stop with tvs and billboards. the best advertising is on the product itself &ndash grabbing your attention when you&rsquore near the supermarket shelves. the packaging of a product can make or break the sale, and a nicely, thoughtfully designed label can result in that product being chosen over a competitor.designing product packaging that&rsquos intelligent, witty and grabs attention &ndash without being too noisy or loud &ndash is a subtle art, and one that takes a lot of creative thinking, time and care. to help give you some inspiration, we&rsquove selected a showcase of beautifully designed, creative and truly inspired product packaging designs that would all be hard to miss if you walked past them on the shelves of a store. if you&rsquove found any examples that deserve to be included in our roundup, let us know in the commentsjaw drop coolerssource httplovelypackage.comjawdropcoolersric baxter&rsquos elastic band packagingsource httplovelypackage.comstudentworkricbixterundercover winesource httpwww.packagingoftheworld.com201303undercoverwine.htmlbrushman shaving brushessource httpwww.packagingoftheworld.com201305brushman.htmlup your streetsource httpswww.adesignaward.compresspack.phpc2&y2012h&m gift packagesource httplovelypackage.comhmgiftpackagelee skinny jeanssource httpretaildesignblog.net20110527leeskinnyjeanspackaginggubble bumsource httpwww.jjaakk.comworkdetailgubblebumabsolut moscowsource httplovelypackage.comabsolutmoscowspaghetti with portion controlsource httpwww.good.ispostssuperbideaspaghettiwithbuiltinportioncontroljoozesource… tequila artist seriessource httplovelypackage.com1800c2aetequilaessentialartistsseries2blk black spring watersource httpwww.feeldesain.comblkblackspringwater.htmlone percentsource httplovelypackage.comonepercentbabees honeysource httpahandoh.comnewportfoliobabeeshoney