Wigwam socks bring a new packaging lineup that is sure to get consumer&39s attention. The new packaging is not only updated and edgier, but also helps categorize the function and style of each sock. The made in america store prides itself on selling products that are 100 percent u.s.made, even the packaging. Wigwam socks not only proved that u.s.
Manufacturers can find packaging that fits the 100 percent americanmade claim, but can make their packaging eyecatching and helpful. The new packaging by wigwam socks classifies the style of sock to a certain function. Each style of sock will now fit in one of five different categories based on how the consumer is supposed to use it.
Health, hiking, work, run and snow are the five categories the socks will fit into. Health focuses on consumers with diabetes. The socks feature ultimax and help keep feet dry and the elastic in the socks don&39t constrict blood flow.
Hiking and work focus on more cushion in the sole for boots. With more attention on steel toe boot use and helping alleviate odor, hiking and work socks are perfect. Snow socks concentrate on keeping the feet warm and dry. Lastly, run socks focus on lightweight material and keep moisture to a minimum.