Nvc panel debate at verpackung hamburg maximising the pool of packaging talentthe quest for packaging talent in germany and the netherlands is the cornerstone of aunique binational nvc panel debate which will take place at the packaging exhibition verpackung hamburg 2013. The debate addresses education, training and qualifications in packaging for all companies and organisations involved in the supply and recycle chain of packaged products.the debate focuses on the quest for talent in packaging.
First, we will address the developments in some important sectors of packaged products both food and nonfood, both consumer and industrial. Based on this, we discuss the education and training of professionals in packaging, via dedicated packaging training programmes andor generic education.
Which challenges do we have to overcome how can we further increase our competitivenesslast but not least, the interaction between the dutch and german business cultures are investigated, both binationally and in the context of multinational companies and their quest for talent.
How can these differences be exploited to the benefit of all actors involved in packaging developmentthe timeschedule for the debate allows for an optimal visit of the verpackung and packaging innovations hamburg 2013 during the same day.in the afternoon all participants are invited to join the verpackung and pi hamburg 2013 gettogetherdrink at the exhibition.date and timewednesday january 23rd, 2013 first day of the twoday exhibition12.0014.00 hrslocationa3.2, 1st floor hall a3 the glasswindows meeting room, above the exhibition hall inspection office.languagethe presentations and discussions will take place in german language, including partially english presentations and supporting data.organisationnvc netherlands packaging centre www.nvc.nl , verpackung hamburg 2013 booth d12.contact charissa koolen